, Return a copy of the receiver with all contents of aCollection. Return the receiver composed with the argument. Return an action composed with the receiver and anAction. Private - Return the parser to start parsing anObject. / Return the result of operation. Return a choice composite version of the receiver and aParser. Return the receiver composed with aRule. = Return true if the receiver is equal to argument. >> Return the method at aSymbol (or nil if not implemented by the receiver). Return the receiver shifted aNumber of bits to the right. @ Return a collection with the objects bound to aGlobalName (or an empty collection if global is not defined). Return a Point with coordinates given by the receiver and aNumber. Return aBOOL as a Boolean instance. Return the value at aKey (or nil). Return an instance of the receiver with the properties owned by jsObject. DEBUG - Return a notification wrapper of the receiver. Return the property at propertyName of the receiver. Return an instance of the receiver. accept: Private - Report buggy send by compiler. Report buggy send in compiler. add: Add anObject to the receiver. Bind anAssociation to the receiver. addAll: Add objects in aCollection to the receiver. Bind all associations in aKeyedCollection to the receiver. arguments Return the arguments of the receiver. arguments: Set the arguments of the receiver. asString Return the receiver as a String. Return the text representation of the receiver. at: Return the global known as aGlobalName in the receiver or nil. Return the object in the receiver at anIndex position. Return the receiver at anIndex. Return the contents of the receiver at anIndex. Return the value at aKey. at:ifAbsent: Return the global known as aGlobalName in the receiver or the result of evaluating aBlock. Return the object in the receiver at anIndex position or the result of evaluating aBlock. Return the receiver at anIndex position or the result of evaluating aBlock. Return the contents of the receiver at anIndex or the result of evaluating aBlock. Return the value at aKey or the result of evaluating aBlock. at:ifAbsentPut: Return the global known as aGlobalName in the receiver or the result of evaluating aBlock. Return the value at aKey, or add the result of evaluating aBlock to the receiver if it is absent. at:put: Set the global known as aGlobalName in the receiver top anObject. Set the object in the receiver at anIndex position. Set the receiver at anIndex. Set the contents of the receiver at anIndex. Set the value at aKey of the receiver. between:and: Return true if the receiver is between arguments. Return the parser for input between start and end. buildGetter: Build method to get instance aSelector. Build (instance) method to get native property. buildSetter: Build method to set instance aSelector. Build (instance) method to set native property. canTriggerEvent: Return true if the receiver can trigger anEvent. Return true if instances of the receiver can trigger anEvent. category: Set the category of the receiver. BUG - throw an error in ClassBuilder. collect: Return a collection with the result of evaluating aBlock with the contents of the receiver. Return aKeyedCollection with keys and result of evaluating aBlock with value. collection Return a collection to compose instances of the receiver. Private - Return the collection of the receiver. comment Return the comment of the receiver. Return the comment of the receiver (or nil). Return the parser for comment. comment: Set the comment of the receiver. Change the comment in the receiver to aString. Set the comment of target class. compile: Return the result of compilation of aString. Private - Return the javascript code result of compiling aString for currentClass. compiler Return a compiler for receiver's source code. Return the compiler of the receiver. compilerSupport Return the compiler support for the receiver. Private - Return compiler in use to get values from stream. contents Private - Return the contents of the receiver. Return the contents of the receiver. Return a snapshot of current system contents. copyFrom:to: Return a copy of the receiver. Return the receiver between limits. Return the receiver contents in the interval. Return a copy of the receiver from anIndex to anotherIndex. copyWith: Return a copy of the receiver with anObject. Return an action composed with the receiver and anObject. Return a copy of the receiver with aParser. cr Return the singular instance. Put a line break sequence onto the receiver. description Private - Return the description of the system. Return the description of the receiver. Return a literal description of the receiver. Return a string description from receiver's properties. detect:ifNone: Return the object in the receiver that return true when evaluated with aBlock or the result of evaluating anotherBlock. Detect the value who matches aBlock. do: Evaluate aBlock with the contents of the receiver. Evaluates aBlock for all values in the receiver. Evaluates aBlock streaming on the receiver. Evaluate aBlock for each object in the receiver's contents. Evaluate aBlock for all contents of the receiver. evaluate: Return the result of evaluating the smalltalk expression in global context. Return the result of evaluating the smalltalk expression in a global context. evaluate:in:to: Return the result of evaluating the smalltalk expression with aReceiver. Return the result of evaluating the expression with aReceiver. export Return the result of exporting definition and source code of a class. Return the result of exporting definition and source code of classes in the receiver. Export the classes/categories in the receiver. export: Return the result of exporting definition and source code of a class. Return the result of exporting literals in spec. exportAll: Return the result of exporting elements (classes, methods and/or categories). Return the result of exporting all elements (classes, methods and/or categories). extent: Return a Rectangle from the receiver with specified extent. Set the extent of receiver to aPoint. fileIn FileIn the contents of the receiver. FileIn - FileIn the receiver's contents (in chunk format). fileOut Return fileOut definition and code of a class. Return fileOut definition and code of classes in the receiver. FileOut the classes/categories in the receiver. fileOut: Return fileOut definition and code of a class. Return the result of fileOut of literals in spec. fileOutAll: Return fileOut definition and code of elements (classes, methods and/or categories). Return the result of fileOut elements (classes, methods and/or categories). findClasses: Find classes matching what. Find classes in the system matching what. findMessages: Find messages matching what. Find messages in the system matching what. gc Collect garbage. Private - Perform (preventive) garbage collection. globalReferences Return all the global references in the receiver. Find the references to globals. handle Return the handle of the receiver. Return the native handle. handles Return an array with the handles of the receiver. Return the result of collecting the handles of the receiver. ifNil:ifNotNil: Return the result of evaluating aBlock if the receiver is nil or the result of evaluating anotherBlock (if not nil). Return the receiver if it is nil, or the result of evaluating aBlock. ifNotNil: Return the result of evaluating aBlock if the receiver is not nil, or nil if it is nil. Return the receiver if it is nil, or the result of evaluating aBlock. ifNotNil:ifNil: Return the result of evaluating aBlock if the receiver is not nil, or the result of evaluating anotherBlock if it is nil. Return the result of evaluating anotherBlock if teh receiver is nil, or the result of evaluating aBlock. imageSaved:on: Private - A system snapshot has been taken, the receiver can emmit code to restore state. Private - A system snapshot has been taken, the receiver can restore state. implementorsOf: Return a collection of methods implementing aSymbol. Return a collection of methods of the receiver and its subclasses that implement aSymbol. Private - Return the implementors of aSelector. includes: Return true if anObject is in the receiver. Return true if anObject is in receiver's contents. Return true if the receiver's values include anObject. includesKey: Return true if the global aGlobalName is defined in the receiver. Return true if the receiver's keys include aKey. indexOf: Return the position of anObject in the receiver, or 0. Return the position of first occurrence of aString (or 0 if not present). indexOf:ifAbsent: Return the position of anObject in the receiver, or the result of evaluating aBlock. Return the position of first occurrence of aString (or the result of evaluating aBlock). instanceClass Return the receiver. Return the instance class of receiver. isAssignment Return true if the receiver is of this type. Return true if the receiver is an assignment node. isCharacter Return true if the receiver is a character. Implemented to support Character protocoll for one-character Strings. isValid Return true if the receiver is a valid instance. Return true if the receiver is valid in this (browser) context. json Return the receiver as a hash object. Convert the receiver to JSON structure. jsonHiddenNames Private - Return the names of the fields to skip when mapping the receiver to JSON structure. Private - Return the names of the instance variables to skip when mapping the receiver to JSON structure. key: Set the key of the receiver. Return an instance of the receiver. keys Return the keys of the receiver. Return the sorted property names of the receiver. launch The system has been launched and start execution. Private - The system has been launched and start execution. left Return the left of the receiver. leftTop:rightBottom: Set the receiver's coordinates. Return an instance of the receiver. library Private - Return the library of the receiver. Check support to run this framework and try to load the library implementation. log: Private - Log aString onto loggin device. Log aString onto loggin stream. match: Return the match index of aRegexp in the receiver. Private - Match the receiver to string. max: Return the maximum between the receiver and argument. Return the maximum of the receiver and aPoint. messageText Return the messageText of the receiver. Return the message text of the receiver. min: Return the minimum between the receiver and argument. Return the minimum of the receiver and aPoint. Set the min of the receiver. nativeLanguage Return the nativeLanguage of the receiver. new: Return an instance of the receiver of specified size. Return an instance of the receiver. next Return the next readable element in the receiver (or nil). Return the next random number. next: Return the next anInteger elements read from the receiver. Return the next anInteger random numbers. nextPut: Put anObject onto the receiver. Put aString onto the receiver. nextPutAll: Put aCollection onto the receiver. Put aString onto the receiver at current position; expanding internal contents. not Return true if the receiver is false. Return the negation of the receiver. occurrencesOf: Return the occurrences of anObject in the receiver. Return the times aString can be found in the receiver. optional: Private - Return the parser to parse an optional element anObject. Return an instance of the receiver to parse an optional element anObject. outputToFile: Save the receiver's contents onto a file at fileName. Save a complete system snapshot in a file at fileName. parse: Return the result of parsing aString. Return the result of parsing contents in aStream. Parse contents in aStream. parser Private - Return the parser of the receiver. Return the method parser. Return the parser of the receiver. peek Return the next readable element from the receiver without advancing the receiver; or nil. Return the next readable element from the receiver without advancing (or nil). poolDictionaries Return the poolDictionaries of the receiver (anArray or nil). Return the poolDictionaries of the receiver. poolDictionaryNames Return the shared pool names of the receiver. Return the pool dictionary names of the receiver. position Return the position of the receiver. Return the current position in output stream. printString Return a printable representation of the receiver. Return the printable representation of the receiver. Return the text representation of the receiver. DEBUG - Temporary printing method (must check for recursion). prototype Return the prototype of the receiver (or nil). Return the prototype of the receiver. reason:at: Set the reason and position of the receiver. Return an instance of the receiver. receiver Return the receiver of the receiver. receiver: Set the receiver of the receiver. recompile Recompile all the methods of the receiver. Recompile the source of the receiver and install the new compiled method. recompile: Recompile the method(s) at selector(s) of the receiver. Re-compile all the methods defined by aClass. recompileAll Recompile all classes in the receiver. Recompile all the methods of the receiver and its subclasses. register: Private - Register aMethod as related to the receiver. Register aMethod as related to current builder. reject: Return the contents of the receiver wich evaluates aBlock to false. Return the a copy of the receiver with elements wich evaluates aBlock to false. release Release the receiver. Private - Release the receiver. remove: Remove anObject from receiver, return the removed object. Remove the binding at aKey. Set the remove of the receiver. remove:ifAbsent: Remove anObject from receiver. Remove anObject from the receiver. removeAll Remove all elements in the receiver. Remove all the objects in the receiver. reversed Return an array with the contents of the receiver in reverse order. Return a string with the contents of the receiver in reverse order. right Return the receiver's right side. rightBottom: Return a Rectangle from the receiver to rightBottom. Set the right bottom corner of the receiver. rootClasses Return the collection of topLevel classes in the receiver. Return the rootClasses of the receiver. rounded Return the receiver rounded. Set the receiver with coordinates rounded to integers. saveImage Dump the image contents onto default image file. Dump the image contents onto image file. saveImageOn: Dump the receiver's contents onto stream. Save the current system contents onto stream. scanFrom: FileIn - Return the result of evaluating the next chunk of data from aStream. Scan the next chunk of data from aStream. FileIn - Parse next chunk in aStream as a comment for target class. Consume/Ignore contents in aStream. Consume chunks in aStream until empty chunk. select: Return the contents of the receiver wich evaluates aBlock to true. Return a copy of the receiver with elements wich evaluates aBlock to true. Return the a copy of the receiver with elements wich evaluates aBlock to true. selector Return the selector of the receiver. Private - Return the internal selector used to execute directive. selector: Set the selector of the receiver. sendersOf: Return the senders of message selector. Find the requested elements from root classes. separator Return the parser for separator. Set the receiver to parse separator. shallowCopy Return a deep copy of the receiver. Return a shallow copy of the receiver. smalltalkNameFor: Private - Return the global name of aClass (can be nil). Return the global name of aClass (can be nil). Private - Return the javascript reference expression of aClass (or nil). sorted Return a sorted copy of the receiver. Return the contents of the receiver sorted. source Return the source code of the receiver. source: Set the source code of the receiver. space Return the singular instance. Put a space sequence onto the receiver. stream Return a stream on the receiver. Return the current stream (or nil). streamClass Private - Return the support for streamming on the receiver. Private - Return the support for streamming on the receiver's instances. Return the streamming support for the receiver's instances. subclass:instanceVariableNames: Create a new subclass of the receiver. Create a subclass of the receiver. tab Return the singular instance. Put a tab sequence onto the receiver. to: Return a collection of numbers from the receiver to aNumber. Return a Rectangle from the receiver to rightBottom. truncated Return the receiver truncated. Set the receiver with the coordinates truncated to integers. upTo: Return the receiver upto first occurrence of aCharacter. Return the elements read from the receiver upto anObject (or end). Return an instance of the receiver. value Return the result of evaluating the receiver. Return the value of the receiver. value: Return the result of evaluating the receiver with anObject. Set the value of the receiver. visitVariableNode: Generate code to access variable aNode. withAll: Return an instance of the receiver. Return a collection of instance of the receiver with handles. zero Return the singular instance. Return an instance of the receiver.