Smalltalking Association


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A platform for social development with Smalltalk. You can join this community sharing your expertice, experiences and dreams to make Smalltalk a comfortable environment to execute your objects everywhere. U8 is an open and global service capable to evolve with your help. Use U8 to show the world what we can do with Smalltalk and share your resources and wishes.


share and maintain frameworks

We have an interesting set of tested frameworks available to let you start application development w/o scaling limitations imposed by médium/low level code. We encourage U8 users to share and maintain frameworks for development with S8 in all platforms.

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how to contribute


It is required to be registered to publish your works and/or transfer brownies. You can make questions to the authors, join development groups, and help to enhance the platform.

Smalltalking Association Smalltalking
powered by S8