How to use PhoneGap framework for S8.
S8 WebBrowser application for testing in Android devices.
S8 for Android. 0 cost smalltalk application for android.
S8 + PhoneGap framework + demostration app (Android version)
A library to exchange data using webSockets from/to a Visual Smalltalk Application. It is a Visual Smalltalk implementation of libWebSockets API, that let you implement webSockets (server and client mode) to share data with S8 applications running Web and/or android platforms. UPDATED tp support (sub)protocols.
Demostration of S8 running Cordova framework (Android build)
Native implementation of WebSockets (with subprotocol support) for S8 applications running on Android devices (A8 and A8+Cordova). Efficient connection of Android devices with Smalltalk servers running WebSockets (e.g. vsWebSockets).
Project for development using Cordova 3.x with S8, running on IOS devices (iPhone and iPad).
Smalltalk 100% compatible with Android version (Cva8).
An execution environment to develop embedded and mobile native applications (and servers) with S8. The JX8 runtime environment is designed to build modern applications using S8 targeting windows/OSX/iOS/Android and others.
Native android application development with S8 on top of Lua VM
Node8-Android is the Android project development platform and tools, for building Android native applications with S8.