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How to use our complete implementation of Node.js interface (NodeJS framework). Plus a minimal framework for testing server side frameworks/apps.
Published on 17/02/2012 13:23:24 by aleReimondo
Server side development using S8 + NodeJS with API calls and callbacks support (under windows). Includes a complete test set of FFI interface.
Published on 28/02/2012 20:02:37 by aleReimondo
A library to exchange data using webSockets from/to a Visual Smalltalk Application. It is a Visual Smalltalk implementation of libWebSockets API, that let you implement webSockets (server and client mode) to share data with S8 applications running Web and/or android platforms. UPDATED tp support (sub)protocols.
Published on 13/09/2013 13:09:39 by aleReimondo
Native implementation of WebSockets (with subprotocol support) for S8 applications running on Android devices (A8 and A8+Cordova). Efficient connection of Android devices with Smalltalk servers running WebSockets (e.g. vsWebSockets).
Published on 13/09/2013 14:14:44 by aleReimondo
An execution environment to develop embedded and mobile native applications (and servers) with S8. The JX8 runtime environment is designed to build modern applications using S8 targeting windows/OSX/iOS/Android and others.
Published on 31/12/2015 18:22:18 by aleReimondo
This is a implementation of a remote workspace. You can evaluate smalltalk expressions in a remote S8 which is running on a nodejs server. The implementation use websocket and does not consider security policies or error handling.
Published on 05/06/2013 19:55:17 by claudio campos
Server side development using S8 + NodeJS
Published on 17/02/2012 13:21:07 by Smalltalking
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